Drawing In The Time Of Corona
Drawing in the Time of Corona is a personal passion project born out of an idea and the need to connect and remain connected by sharing our art at the beginning of the Covid pandemic. Our drawing club became a highlight each week for many and gave some simple purpose when the world felt a bit chaotic and unpredictable. People who had never drawn were suddenly excited to be drawing with a community of other people. People who always wanted to start drawing or pick it back up were inspired to begin. It was an exciting time. Some of the most unexpected friendships and connections were born from our little club. Over the years, we had a variety of number artists draw with us.
We picked a subject once a week, drew the subject, and then posted our drawings to the Drawing in the Time of Corona Instagram account. Many new, unexpected artists grew out of the club; many discovered new-found; an unexpected love for drawing grew in many. Our little club was a grounding place for us all. andmade oxygon trivets made frm cotton and canvas for either functional or aesthetic use. A wonderful color study project.